4 Types Of Visual Content To Boost Your Amazon Sales

Visual content can be a crucial factor for a customer to make a purchase decision. With so much competition in online market, especially on Amazon which is one of the most visited websites for shopping online, you have to figure out a way to make your listing stand out from others and capture attention in a fast and engaging way.


But why the quality of the images is so important?

Either it’s a shopping website or not, the average person reads only 20% of a web page, but will view every image, and in e-commerce 63% of consumers said good images are more important than product descriptions.


The quality of the content that supports your listing can truly make a difference when attracting buyers, so here’s the list of the types of content you should always have when posting a new product on Amazon:

Main Image

This will be the primary product photo that will show when your listing is opened and the most important one, as it is the only picture that will appear in the search results.

If it gives a good first impression, people will most likely to click on it. That’s why it is important to invest in a high-quality product photography that in the future will translate into sales.

For this image it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

– Make sure it is on a pure white background so the product looks cleaner. Don’t use a white sheet on the background, ask for professional help. Trust us: it would be worth the investment

– Use the product as zoomed as you can. The product should fill at least 80% of the image

– Apart from the main image, make sure to include the pictures that show the product from different angles, so buyers know exactly what they are getting

– When editing the product picture, keep it as realistic as possible, meaning don’t change the actual colors of the product even if it looks more appealing: the buyer might get upset to receive something that looks different from what he saw online


An infographic provides a visual way to show complex information in a simple way using different design elements. Using infographics to highlight key features of your products is a great way to be as precise as possible about the benefits and characteristics of the product as well as what it includes. It will also help to describe aspects that are difficult to explain with words, such as instructions on how to assemble your product.

Lifestyle Photography

Lifestyle images are the best way to show the product in use. It also allows your customer to picture how the product would look like in their everyday life. In this kind of photography you are allowed to use different backgrounds and scenarios to add context to your product.

By using a model you add a human touch to your listing – these are the visuals your potential customers can relate to.


Videos are the best way to show your product in action and actually convince the potential buyer to make a decision. Video is becoming the most popular and powerful form of content online, including e-commerce, because it’s informative, engaging, and, unlike other types of content, can tell a story that evoke feelings and emotions. HERE you can read more about why your Amazon listing needs a video.

If you’re not sure where to start with the content for your Amazon listing, contact us HERE and we’ll help you figure out the best way considering your audience and budget.

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