Check List: How To Get Your Amazon Listing Ready for Holiday Season

Holiday Season is here and for Amazon Sellers, it is indeed the most wonderful time of the year! Last year alone, Amazon announced they broke a record of more than a billion items shipped with Amazon Prime just in the U.S. And most of these items came from small and medium-sized businesses, meaning that this year, thanks to the constant increase in online shopping, your brand has an even bigger chance to have a successful holiday season.

Did you know that 64% of Amazon Shoppers start holiday shopping in November? Meaning that as you read this, there are thousands of buyers lurking for the best deals.

And we are here to help you update your listing with Holiday-themed content! Where should you start? We’ve prepared a checklist for you to have in mind:

1. Add a little Holiday touch to your main image

As an Amazon Seller, you know that this image is the first thing your buyers will look at, and if you add a little bow to it, it instantly gives that holiday look that they’re searching for. It makes it easier for them to filter presents, deals, and the best prices! Not to mention, it will make you stand out from the competition.

2. Don’t forget the rest of the images!

Like your Lifestyle photos, for example. If your users can see real people enjoying your product in a Holiday-themed setup, they can easily imagine their loved ones opening the gift in a similar atmosphere which affects their purchase intent instantly.

3. How about a holiday-themed video?

We can’t stress this enough: videos are one of the most influential elements you can offer to online shoppers. Either it’s a product commercial, an instructional how-to video or even a quick and fun stop motion video, it will give your Amazon Listing more credibility, your users will trust your brand even more, and your sales will definitely go up and up!

4. Optimize your listing & add EBC

According to Orca Pacific, the user’s behavior changes even more during the holidays. They become more critical and thorough with the details of each product, so even if you’ve worked hard on having the cleanest, most detailed listing, it’s time for you to add even more photos that show different angles of your product or maybe an extra set of infographics that explain the features.

What they recommend is using Enhanced Brand Content to show this new content in a very organized, detailed way that will help the users pick your product out of all the competition!

5. Be sure to use the right words!

Keywords are very important when it comes to search, so make a list of the most important words that describe your product and be sure to include them in the title, this way, your listing will be easier to find by buyers and will most likely pop out in the first few options. In time for the holidays, perhaps it can be a good idea to add something like “gift ready” to your Amazon listing title.

6. It’s the best time for promotions and deals!

As you know, Amazon has a “Today’s Deals” tab that shows a very sorted amount of products that have offers on their pricing, daily.

Your product is very likely to appear on this page if you come up with a very juicy deal that other sellers don’t have, and this new position on the whole website will make you visible to a new public!

Both last-minute deal seekers and those who start holiday shopping early will appreciate your effort in helping them navigate through the sea of listings when looking for that perfect gift. Chances are, your relationship can last longer than a holiday purchase, and they could become loyal customers or even brand advocates, wouldn’t that be awesome?

So, are you ready to have a Merry Holiday Season? Let us help you get there: contact us here!

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